oil painting » painting techniques » Glaza painting

Glaze Painting


A glaze in painting pertains to a layer of paint, made thin with a medium,so as to turn out to be fairly transparent. The painting technique of glaze alters the color cast or texture of the surface. The drying time is based on the capacity of medium used in the glaze , a higher ratio of medium to paint (producing a very thin, transparent glaze) reduces drying time, while unadulterated oil paint takes the longest time to dry. For numerous centuries painters have applied glazes to their works.

Oil Painting:

In oil painting, the simplest form of a glaze is a thin, oily, transparent layer of bright color applied over the top of a lighter, thick under painting that is dry to the touch. Light penetrates all the way through the glaze and is reflected back off of the under painting. This causes a shining effect akin to glancing at a brightly lit white wall behind a film of colored cellophane.The thin oily layers of a glaze are easy to use, facilitating the depiction of detail.

Usually lighter colors reflects additional light. Titanium white reflects more light than any other pigment. Hence the glaze spread over a titanium white underpainting will probably fully utilize reflected light to bring out the glow in the glaze. But in most situations, the underpainting consists of a range of pigments with varying degrees of reflectivity. This is going to have parallel behavior on the functioning of the glaze. Additionally, Titanium white is also the most thick of the three common whites used in oil painting, the other two being zinc white and lead white. Zinc white is the least opaque, hence it is preferred for use in mixing a color for use in a glaze, whereas titanium white represents the ideal choice for use in the mixtures used in the underpainting.


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Wall glazing:

When the glazing technique is used for walls, the whole surface is covered, frequently displaying traces of texture (French brush, parchment, rag rolling). In a good number of cases, oil-based or water-based materials are utilized for glazing walls, based upon the desired effect. Kerosene or linseed oil can also be used to extend the working time of oil-based glazes. Water-based glazes are on occasions thinned with glycerin or another wetting agent to widen the working time. Usually, water glazes are ideal for rougher textures where overlaps of color are adequate.

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